An unofficial, free, digital zine for the Solo Leveling novel and webcomic.

Current Status: App Results Sent!

Zine Info

An unofficial digital fanbook with content by fan creators.

May include fanfics, fanart, and comics!
There may also be digital merch.
Crossovers that are Solo Leveling-centric will be accepted.

There will be 2 zine PDFs, one SFW zine and one NSFW!


16 Aug-12 Sep 2021Interest Check Period
27 Sep-24 Oct 2021Applications
Sun, 31 Oct 2021Application Results
Sun, 14 Nov 2021Concept Submission
Sun, 19 Dec 2021Check-In #1
Sun, 30 Jan 2022Check-In #2
Sun, Feb 27 2022Final Submission
Mar-Apr 2022Extensions & Formatting
Apr 2022Zine Released

The Greatest Fragments of Brilliant Light

Starrie Wolf
The Sparkliest Fragment of Light
Organisation, Graphics, Social Media
Past Experience: mod of 7 other zines, writer for 20+, please see Carrd for details.

Chaos Greymistchild
The Snazziest Fragment of Light
Writing, Beta, Writer Wrangler
Past Experience: Mod of Emet-Selch Zine and Solo Leveling Week 2021, writer for 8 others, please see Carrd for details.

The Spaciest Fragment of Light
Formatting/Layout, Artist Wrangler
Past Experience: Mod Intern of Given Zine, mod of various big bangs in Haikyuu!! and Boku no Hero Academia.

General Guidelines

☆ All fanworks must be NEWLY created for the zine.
☆ Please note that we are unable to accept creators with a history of plagiarism, art tracing, or other forms of theft.
☆ The mods will not tolerate any form of harassment against other creators.
☆ All creators for the NSFW zine must be > 18 years old.

☆ Provide 3 samples of your best work in the style you plan to do for the zine + 1 portfolio for tiebreaker purposes
☆ All content warnings and ratings (e.g. NSFW) should be clearly tagged
☆ 1 Solo Leveling fanwork is recommended but not required
☆ Please provide direct links e.g. any portfolio site, Google Drive, Instagram, Twitter moment, AO3, etc.
☆ If using Google Drive, please set sharing to "Anyone with the link can view". We recommend you use incognito mode to check the link is publicly available.
☆ You may apply for multiple positions by filling in the form multiple times. Applications for each position are reviewed separately.


There will be 5 types of artist positions: page art, spot art, comic, digital merch, and cosplay. You may apply for any or multiple positions.

Artists will be reviewed based on technical aspects such as anatomy and composition. Style is not a factor.

Page Artists
☆ Expectation: ONE (1) A4 page art or spread (2 pages), fully rendered in 300 dpi. Traditional art is also acceptable if scanned in high resolution.
Application Requirements:
☆ 3 samples of your best artworks in the style you plan to do for the zine
☆ At least 1 sample must have a full background (i.e. not solid colour/simple gradient)
☆ At least 1 sample must match the rating of the zine you wish to draw for (i.e. SFW sample for SFW zine, NSFW sample for NSFW zine)
☆ 1 portfolio of 5+ artworks for tiebreaker purposes

Spot Artists
☆ Expectation: ONE (1) collaboration with a fic writer to produce filler art (e.g. lineart, chibi characters, scene dividers, etc.) for their fic. You may choose to collab with a max of 2 writers.
Application Requirements:
☆ 3 samples of your best artworks in the style(s) you plan to do for the zine
☆ 1 portfolio of 5+ artworks for tiebreaker purposes

Comic Artists
☆ Expectation: ONE (1) 2-6 page A4 sized comic, either colored or black/white. Webtoons are not acceptable as the excess white space in a webtoon cannot be formatted.
Application Requirements:
☆ 3 pages of comics in the style you plan to do for the zine
☆ At least 1 sample must match the rating of the zine you wish to draw for (i.e. SFW sample for SFW zine, NSFW sample for NSFW zine)
☆ 1 portfolio of 5+ comic pages for tiebreaker purposes

Digital Merch Artists
☆ ONE (1) digital wallpaper (desktop + mobile) OR
☆ ONE (1) printable item e.g. bookmark, polaroid, postcard, etc. OR
☆ 4-6 digital icons, Discord emoji, stickers, etc.
Application Requirements:
☆ 3 samples of your best merch artworks
☆ Samples should match the merch type(s) you plan to do for the zine
☆ 1 portfolio of 5+ artworks for tiebreaker purposes

☆ Expectation: ONE (1) cosplay photo of any Solo Leveling character.
Application Requirements:
☆ 3 samples of your best cosplay photos
☆ 1 portfolio of 5+ photos for tiebreaker purposes


Fics will be reviewed based on spelling/grammar, pacing, flow, and storytelling ability.

Fic Writers
☆ Expectation: ONE (1) standalone, completed fic within 2k-4k words.
Application Requirements:
☆ 3 samples of your best fics of 1k-5k words
☆ At least 1 fic must be complete
☆ At least 1 fic must match the rating of the zine you wish to write for (i.e. SFW sample for SFW zine, NSFW sample for NSFW zine)
☆ You may use 2 excerpts from long fics as samples if you believe these are your best excerpts
☆ 1 portfolio of 5+ fics for tiebreaker purposes

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a fanzine?
A fanzine is a compilation of derivative fanworks made by fan creators. For this zine, we are aiming to include both fanfics and various types of fanart such as digital art, traditional art, comics, and cosplays.

Is there money involved? Is this legal?
This is a digital zine that will be available for free download after completion. As there is no money involved, there are no legal issues.

Will there be spoilers?
We will be featuring elements from both the novel and the webcomic. As such, this zine will not be spoiler-free.

Are team sign-ups (e.g. 1 spot artist and 1 writer planning to collaborate) acceptable?
Yes. However, both the artist and writer must succeed in their respective application process.

What is the main mode of contact?
All applicants will receive an email to inform them of the outcome of their application. All accepted contributors will be required to join the Discord server for coordination purposes.

I have more questions!
Please check out our Q&A thread here.
If you have further questions, please send us a message via Twitter, Discord or email!